Zeta Power™Basic principle of system

Double Layer Theory
The expansion of the individual particle charge layer, which is sequentially from the inside to the outside: 1. The structure of the counter ion layer (fixed layer),2. water, 3. diffusion layer. Colloids in water are usually negatively charged. The lugs are surrounded by a layer of positively charged ions that closely and fixedly coat the surface of the gel, known as the stern layer. A layer outside the fixed layer is moved or expanded by positive and negative ions, called a diffuse layer. The diffusion layer causes repulsive forces between the colloidal particles, and the surface electrical density between the two particles causes an increase in mutual repulsion and affects the distance between the particles.
※ The fixed layer and the diffusion layer are collectively referred to as a double layer.
※ The suspension of the negatively charged colloid is mainly caused by the potential difference between the surface of the particle and the water at each point. This potential difference (called mV) is related to the boundary potential.
It is the tendency of the two forces to balance between the attraction and the repulsive force between the two particles. When the repulsive force is increased, the tendency to balance is in a dispersed state.Solid lines represent the effect with Zeta Power ; dotted lines represent the effect without.
Main benefit :
Due to increase in zeta potential, the repulsion between colloids will be increased and thus cause dispersion at certain relative points.

To understand Zeta Power™ , how to increase electrostatic repulsion force and increase the zeta potential of the colloidal particles.
Zeta Power™ prevent particles form scale and eliminate existing biofilm, causing cooling tower scale fall off to water basin or sump. Maintains clean heat transfer and enhances biocide chemical efficiency and penetrate deep biofilm layer to kill most of bacteria and biofilm. Reduce condenser approach temperature and increase chiller COP, then save energy cost.